Correct the Tech

Correct the Tech

Companies cannot afford to pay for glitchy, underperforming communication systems and implementation delays that bring direct, immediate costs in wasted time, lower productivity, and...
Reimagining the Contact Center

Reimagining the Contact Center

The last 10 years have revolutionized the way we do everything. Innovative brands from Tesla to Amazon have leveraged technology to create new realities...
Making the Modern Contact Center

Making the Modern Contact Center

The market shift to a cloud-based contact center, also known as contact center-as-a-service (CCaaS), is still growing even with a post COVID-19 pandemic economic...
Loyalty Starts with Strong CX

Loyalty Starts with Strong CX

Although inflation has shown signs of slowing down, consumers are still making careful purchasing decisions. And, as we go into 2024, these trends are...
Where to Call and Contact?

Contact Center Pipeline Magazine: Inside Our April 2024 Issue

As I sit here reviewing the April issue prior to publication, I marvel at all the external factors affecting our centers today. Since the...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in March

At the top of our most read blog posts in March is Leslie's insightful article on how to incorporate checking applicants' writing skills (a...
Reflections From the Front Line

Reflections From the Front Line

In today’s society, three decades can feel like a lifetime in Corporate America and I have been on the front lines throughout its evolution....
Celebrating 15 Years of Contact Centers is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Celebrating 15 Years of Contact Centers is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

The contact center has seen a lot of changes in the last 15 years. We have matured as an industry. The centers have become...
Back to the Future

Back to the Future

In honor of Contact Center Pipeline’s 15th anniversary, this article focuses on key trends over the past fifteen years. I have been a part...
Motivating Industry Innovations

Motivating Industry Innovations

As I write this, the sea of predictions for 2024 are coming out. If these prognosticators are anywhere near correct, then 2024 will be...
Leaders, Are You Ready for the Future of Work?

Leaders, Are You Ready for the Future of Work?

Congratulations to Contact Center Pipeline for 15 years of serving our industry! Wow! Fifteen years of providing insights, resources, and thought leadership to the Contact...
How Did You Get Here?

How Did You Get Here?

I have had the privilege to know Linda Harden, publisher of Contact Center Pipeline, for over three decades, since her ICMI days. I have...
A Second Chance

A Second Chance

I had the pleasure of writing a monthly article for Contact Center Pipeline for around nine years, beginning with the very first issue. And...
The Workforce Management Journey

The Workforce Management Journey

For me, the best way to look through the past 15 years in workforce management (WFM) is to look through my notes from the...
Inside the March 2024 Issue

Thought You Should Know

In continued celebration of Contact Center Pipeline's 15th Anniversary, we thought you might enjoy these CCP Stats. We also want to give a huge...
2024 State of the Contact Center

2024 State of the Contact Center

A State of State article typically provides a look back and provides a potential glimpse into the future based on trends and events. Today,...
Contact Centers

Contact Centers

A 15-year business milestone is a tremendous achievement! Congratulations to Publisher and CEO Linda Harden and the entire Contact Center Pipeline team for providing...
A Passion for Customer Engagement

A Passion for Customer Engagement

Happy 15th Anniversary to Contact Center Pipeline Magazine This year marks the 15th anniversary of Contact Center Pipeline (CCP), a major milestone for the magazine...
The Upcoming Recruitment Crunch

The Upcoming Recruitment Crunch

My son said, “I can’t hear anything!” My wife had just handed her mobile phone to him, so he could hear a few words...
Contact Center Vital Signs

Contact Center Vital Signs

Congratulations Pipeline on 15 years of being a vital resource for thousands who toil tirelessly every day to meet customer expectations and to do...
The State of the Contact Center Industry

The State of the Contact Center Industry

Happy 15th Anniversary, Contact Center Pipeline! You’re a teenager now. A lot has changed since you were born. In my world—I help customer...
Surprises and Delights

Surprises and Delights

Congratulations to Linda Harden and the entire team at Contact Center Pipeline on 15 game-changing years! There are only a few comprehensive monthly magazines...
Happy Fifteenth Anniversary

Happy Fifteenth Anniversary

Congratulations to Contact Center Pipeline on this 15th Anniversary! I have been a grateful contributor to CCP for these past 15 years. I founded...
Inside the March 2024 Issue

Contact Center Pipeline Magazine: Inside Our March 2024 Issue

A Time to Reflect We are living in a time of more. We have more technology but less time. More connections, but we feel less...
Top 10 Blog Posts of All Time

Top 10 Blog Posts of All Time

In honor of Contact Center Pipeline's 15th Anniversary, we have pulled together the Top 10 Blog Posts of All Time. These blog posts represent...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in February

Again this month, our readers really enjoyed our new addition, Pipeline Puzzles. In the February edition, Tiffany offers a word search full of WFM...
Do We Need Disaster Planning?

Do We Need Disaster Planning?

Disasters can and will strike at any time, anywhere. Call centers must be prepared, first and foremost, to protect the lives of employees and,...
Social(izing) the Experience

Social(izing) the Experience

The success of a company’s contact center rests on whether the business invests to empower its agents with the tools and support they need....