WFM Human Factors

WFM Human Factors

Q: How do you know if you work in a call center?A: You hear the term “shrinkage” and it doesn’t make you laugh.—Greg Levin Human...
contact center technology misses

Top 5 Reasons Contact Centers Miss the Mark on Technology Implementation and Support

Contact centers rely on technology to meet their business goals, manage their operations, and interact with customers in a variety of media. Unfortunately, they...
lost art asking questions

Lost Art of Asking Questions Is Priceless

Proper questioning and inquisition has become a lost art in modern society. For many, it has gone beyond being a lost art in society...

Inside View: NCR Silver

One of the advantages of a small startup business is the flexibility to quickly adapt and respond to your customers’ needs. On the other...
WFM Budget Prep

WFM Budget Preparation: Calendar Days

Every year after the start of the 2nd quarter, I begin preparing next year’s staffing models in anticipation that someone on the executive team...
Path to Failure

Career Path to Failure

Are you promoting your best agents to supervisors and managers? If so, you may be promoting to failure. Those of us in the contact center...
VoC: Pinpoint the Calls that Matter

VoC: Pinpoint the Calls That Matter Most

One of the key advantages of a voice of the customer (VoC) platform over a traditional quality monitoring (QM) program is the ability to...
Ongoing Frontline Training

Do Frontline Agents Receive Enough Ongoing Training?

We asked that question in a recent poll on Contact Center Training. The majority (84%) of participating contact centers reported providing ongoing training for...
Workforce Management 4th of July

2015 Tricky Holiday Winner: Independence Day

Every year, we Workforce Managers get to play with unique and exciting situations around holidays. This year the special one to look out for...
Empowerment drives continuous improvement mindset

Empowerment Drives Continuous Improvement Mindset

We operate in a fast-changing business environment. The processes that work well today can quickly become unwieldy and undercut your center’s performance tomorrow. Leading-edge...

The Top 5 Posts in March

In early March, workforce management topped the charts on the Pipeline blog, with Human Numbers’ Tiffany LaReau blogging live from the SWPP Annual Conference,...
Retaining vs Defecting Customers

When Retaining Customers Is Worse Than Defecting Customers

You are a bad customer. We are all bad customers… now. Or we at least have greater potential to be bad customers. Many years...

A Glimpse Inside: Berlin Packaging

In this month’s Inside View column, Berlin Packaging’s Senior Manager of Business Development and Strategy Paul Mansour discusses how the company’s rapid growth through...
Snooze Alert

Snooze Alert! Yup… I’m Talking About Data

People are surprised when I tell them I was a History major in college. They typically laugh nervously and say things like, “But… you’re...
Home Working

Five Critical Success Factors for Home Working

Technology and employee demographic shifts are changing the way work gets done in America. Some of the most compelling evidence can be found within...
cut attrition

Cut Attrition with an Effective Applicant Intake Process: Behavioral Interviews

In my last post, I mentioned a Purdue University study on decreasing attrition in a contact center environment. The study found that contact centers...
Platinum Service

What Comes First: Platinum Status or Platinum Service?

I travel often, and so I am generally at one of the highest status levels for the airline I fly, the hotel where I...
Call Center Technology Liason

Could a Business Analyst/Technology Liaison Be in Your Future?

Whether you’re a technophile or a technophobe, you’re in the technology business when you have responsibility for running one or more contact centers. And...
Underutilized Metrics

Underutilized Metrics

We have a great many data points at our disposal in contact centers. The best ones, though, are not necessarily those that are the...
Irate Caller

Dealing with Irate Callers: Providing Post-Call Support

In a previous blog post, I provided tips to help managers and team leaders prepare their frontline agents to handle irate callers. It’s also...
Cut Attrition

Cut Attrition with an Effective Applicant Intake Process: Assessments and Realistic Job Previews

If your applicant intake process involves fogging a mirror, you may be hiring, not selecting. According to a Purdue University study on decreasing attrition in...
Communicating-with-global-team Graphic

Tips for Communicating with a Global Team

Globalization has become a key growth driver for many organizations—and it’s a trend that will continue to increase. Research by The Hackett Group has...
Author Q and A

Author Q&A: Backstage at the Customer Experience

A successful theater production requires precise timing and teamwork from the players both onstage and backstage. The stage crew, director, choreographer, costume and set...
6th Anniversary

Six-Year Anniversary: Join Our Celebration

March 2009… that was our first issue of Contact Center Pipeline. It’s been six years since we launched our publication. I looked back to...
Irate Caller

Dealing with Irate Callers: How to Prepare Your Agents

Dealing with irate callers can wear down even the most motivated agent. That can result in burnout or turnover. Since the cost to hire...
High Agent Turnover

High Turnover: Are Your Core Agents Suffering?

When agents leave there is a tangible and measurable cost to replace them. What cannot be measured easily is the effect of turnover on...
Mobile Self Service

Empower Customers with Mobile Self-Service

Many customers prefer to forgo the human interaction and opt to self-serve through a company’s website or IVR system. The rapidly growing popularity of...

Frontline Appreciation

Today is National Employee Appreciation Day. It's a day to show your staff how much you appreciate the value that they contribute to your...