Top 5 Posts in October

Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Our top 5 blog posts in October are comprised of a very diverse set of topics. This month, we cover everything from our personality traits to our chatbots.

First, Afshan and Mike share some of the most important skills for leading hybrid teams. Christoph outlines the ways to best utilize chatbots, along with the top challenges bots present and how to overcome them. Vicki guides us on how to identify and defend our centers against the different types of malicious and fraudulent phone calls.

Then, Sangeeta educates us on the DISC Model of Human Behavior. Specifically, how gaining knowledge of the four main temperaments can lead us to better understand ourselves and others; thus improving the way we lead our teams.

To wrap up the list, Kathleen challenges our thinking that progress is linear. She proposes the idea that our progress actually moves in spirals, which much more effectively accounts for the obstacles we face along our journey. This thinking allows us to embrace failure, correct course, and continue onward to success! Enjoy this month’s top blog posts.

The Four Most Important Skills for Leading Hybrid Teams
The Covid-19 pandemic created significant shifts in how we work. As businesses scrambled to set up employees to work from home, there was little time to be proactive and consider future implications. As the new normal settles in, some contact centers employees have a choice to work from home or at the office. Leading a contact center was complex before COVID-19! Now we are heading into new territory in learning how to lead, coach and manage hybrid teams.

Getting the Most From Your Chatbots
Chatbots, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), are becoming a popular and essential application in contact centers by swiftly, accurately, and cost-effectively handling, and helping agents to handle, many customer issues.

Combatting the Invisible Enemy
Robocalls, voice spam, phone fraud, spoofers, and vishers (voice phishers) are inflicting significant damage on businesses through lost productivity, degraded customer experience (CX), missed sales opportunities, and cybersecurity threats.

Using DISC Temperaments to Support Team Members During Stressful Times
FACT: Stress is a huge side-effect of any sudden change. We all react to stress differently. Have you noticed an occasional change in behavior in your team members and agents? Ever wondered how to increase your effectiveness as a leader especially during these unprecedented times?

What Goes Down Must Come Up
Madame de Stael was a French-Swiss writer, woman of letters, and early champion of women’s rights. She was considered among Napoléon’s major opponents and spent much of her life in exile. When I came across Madame de Stael’s quote, I was struck by the genius of it. “Progress in spirals” just seems like such an accurate description of many initiatives undertaken in business today. Often the changes we must deal with are driven by events, projects, or initiatives that require major alterations to infrastructure, process, procedure, culture, and technology.