Top 5 Posts in August

Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Jacobi heads up August’s Top 5 Blog Posts with a plan for how to combat the contact center concentration crisis caused by excessive background noise. Next up, Rebecca explains how AI can aid our centers in managing staffing struggles.

Lisa and Mark educate us on implementing DEI initiatives in our centers while Simon outlines the steps you can take to avoid conscious recruiting bias.

Kathleen closes out our Top 5 with tips on how to take charge of the Value and Visibility of your center. Enjoy this month’s most read posts!

Hearing the Need for Audio Quality
The call center industry is facing a concentration crisis, with background noise levels exacerbating stress and limiting productivity in the workplace.

How AI Can Combat Staffing Challenges
Forecasting economic futures is challenging, but business success depends on it.

Unlock the Power of Inclusion and Equity
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are vital components of an effective workplace and are necessary for any business’s success. When implemented correctly, these pillars can lead to increased productivity, improved customer service, and a more robust bottom line (McKinsey and Company report – Delivering through Diversity).

The Benefits of Prioritizing Employee Needs
The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is, according to the United Nations, at and over 50% in industrialized countries alone, meaning organizations are missing out on a significant source of strong talent and overlooking a great opportunity to help people attain independence and achieve their goals.

Take Charge…
Take Charge is an idiom meaning “to assume control or responsibility and dates back to the 1300’s.” (Christine Ammer, Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, Houghton Mifflin, p. 144.) Now more than ever, Contact Center leaders need to “take charge” of the Contact Center’s Value and Visibility. Think of it as your reputation. Leaders need to consistently position the Contact Center as an enterprise Strategic Asset rather than a factory-like, back-room operation.