Verint CX Automation
Coaches Need Coaching Too!

Coaches Need Coaching Too!

Coaching is the key to achieving a culture of continuous improvement through high-performing agents. This article focuses on the development of the individuals tasked with conducting frontline agent coaching in a contact center, regardless...
Tapping Into Staffing Alternatives

Tapping Into Staffing Alternatives

As the customer service industry evolves and customer expectations rise, call and contact centers must look to innovative staffing alternatives to traditional onsite hiring to meet operational demands. From bringing on seasonal workers to...
Using Data to Improve Performance

Using Data to Improve Performance

Contact centers share in common with sports like baseball and football that the actions of the players are highly visible and experienced. Like home runs and strikeouts, and touchdowns and incomplete passes: and quickly...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in March

At the top of our most read blog posts in March is Leslie's insightful article on how to incorporate checking applicants' writing skills (a most necessary requirement, particularly in today's landscape) in your hiring...
Top 10 Blog Posts of All Time

Top 10 Blog Posts of All Time

In honor of Contact Center Pipeline's 15th Anniversary, we have pulled together the Top 10 Blog Posts of All Time. These blog posts represent the most popular topics viewed on our blog in our...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in February

Again this month, our readers really enjoyed our new addition, Pipeline Puzzles. In the February edition, Tiffany offers a word search full of WFM acronyms, and the challenge to define them all. We sure...
Helping Leaders Helping Agents Helping Customers

Helping Leaders Helping Agents Helping Customers

There are a variety of different ways customers can contact businesses when they have a complaint or concern. In a 2022 survey from Salesforce, 59% of customers said they prefer to contact customer service...
A Conversation on Coaching and Training

A Conversation on Coaching and Training

As a call center coach and trainer, I have had the honor of meeting, talking to, and sharing insights with and learning from many other industry professionals. No matter what type, function, size, or...
Tuning the CX Engine

Tuning the CX Engine

Contact centers are the engines of the customer experience (CX). They move the CX forward with skilled agent drivers at the wheels guiding the vehicles and adapting to conditions to help customers get to...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in January

Our most read blog post in January was "Moving Forward: What Will 2024 Bring For Contact Centers?" This is one that we do every year and it is always a favorite of ours here...
Tuning Your Training and Coaching

Tuning Your Training and Coaching

In my career, I have been fortunate to have both run numerous contact center/service delivery operations and consulted for hundreds of other contact centers. I have been able to experiment, fail, and succeed, as...
12 Tips for Effective Coaching

12 Tips for Effective Coaching

Why is coaching important? Coaching has a direct impact on individual agent performance. But it also affects overall customer experience (CX). One poorly coached agent can frustrate customers and result in low Net Promoter Scores...
Going Home for Talent

Going Home for Talent

In 2020, the sudden shift to work-from-home (WFH) status for contact center employees felt chaotic and temporary. In 2021 it became a necessary, but less than optimal, way to keep businesses moving forward. But...
Challenging Circumstances, New Approaches

Challenging Circumstances, New Approaches

We can all agree that a lot has changed in a few years. While some of us have tried to hold on to what normal used to look like, others have embraced the new...
QA and Coaching for Experienced Agents

QA and Coaching for Experienced Agents

If you have ever attempted to coach a contact center agent with 10-plus years of experience, then you already know that it is a very different scenario than coaching someone with two to three...
Ending Caller and Agent Frustration

Ending Caller and Agent Frustration

We live in a challenging, high-stress time that has become known as the new normal. Unfortunately, it has led too often to frayed tempers, rudeness, and a lack of respect. All of which collide...
Carry That Load …

Carry That Load …

The word “load” appears in many familiar idioms and phrases. We might “carbo load” before a race or “get loaded” over the weekend. As well, heavy equipment operators must keep an eye out for...
Rise of the Chatbots

Rise of the Chatbots

A little while ago I recalled a former agent telling me how excited she was about her new role as a chat agent. She later went on to tell me about this story she...
5 Ways to Manage Risk

5 Ways to Manage Risk

2022 has been a pivotal turning point in the age of sales, risk, and technology. Traditional business-to-business (B2B) selling strategies, through inside contact centers and mobile in the field, have been replaced by data-driven...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in September

Welcome to the top 5 blog posts in September! As the start of October will ring in Customer Service Week, it is only fitting that our top post this month is another annual favorite...