Top 5 Posts in December

Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

This month, our readers have been heavily tuned in to all things tech. There are so many new and quickly evolving AI options out there it can become quite overwhelming to navigate. Our authors are here to help guide us to make the right choices for our centers.

Ben starts us off with tips to get on board with the growing sales trend of an inside and digital sales world. Next, Magnus enlightens us on a new approach to winning over your customers: turning your contact center into the organization’s Brand Guardian. Then, Rebecca highlights the importance of Conversational Design in ensuring that your AI-powered tools best capture and make use of the VoC.

Mark explains some of the different self-service options available today, along with when and how best to implement them. To wrap things up, Colin does a deep dive into the world of intelligent automation (IA) platforms. He details what they are and how they can help improve your CX.

Three Tips for Inside Sales Success
In-person, apparently, is out. One-third of all buyers in business-to-business (B2B) transactions would prefer a sales experience that doesn’t include physical time with the seller, according to research from Gartner, by way of TOBB Chicago Trade Center (via LinkedIn). As a result, Gartner projects that by 2025, 80% of all sales between suppliers and buyers will occur digitally.

Evolving the Contact Center into a Data-Driven Brand Guardian
Bad customer experiences (CXs) still happen every day in contact centers because most brands are not actively investing in creating better ones. So, when something unforeseen happens, like a global pandemic, brands struggle to keep up with the turmoil, causing even further erosion of the CX. Ultimately, this lack of focus also threatens the bottom line: a risk brands really don’t want to take right now given the uncertain economy.

Why Conversational Design is Essential
A few years ago, only 15% of customer interactions relied on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled chatbots, automated emails, and virtual agents, reported Gartner. In 2022, that number rose to more than 70%.

The Power of Self-Service
Rushing off one flight to get onto another with a one-hour layover that turns into four hours once you get to the check-in counter for your connecting flight. With the kids getting restless and the layover potentially going from four hours to seven, it’s easy to feel flooded with emotions.

How Best to Support the Customer Experience
Customer service is more important than ever in this uncertain market. And businesses are under immense pressure to meet rapidly shifting consumer expectations and foster customer loyalty.