Verint CX Automation
Challenging Circumstances, New Approaches

Challenging Circumstances, New Approaches

We can all agree that a lot has changed in a few years. While some of us have tried to hold on to what normal used to look like, others have embraced the new...
“Hearing” and Heeding Today’s Customers

VENDOR ROUNDTABLE: “Hearing” and Heeding Today’s Customers

Customers are arguably edgy in these uncertain times, what with the lingering COVID-19 pandemic, the economy, global and domestic political chaos, and the climate emergency leading to disastrous and too often deadly fire and...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in March

As we close out the first quarter of 2023, our readers are focused on the future. Tiffany guides us on how to up our workforce management game. Tim shares valuable lessons learned from the...
QA and Coaching for Experienced Agents

QA and Coaching for Experienced Agents

If you have ever attempted to coach a contact center agent with 10-plus years of experience, then you already know that it is a very different scenario than coaching someone with two to three...
The Transformational Power of Quality Monitoring

The Transformational Power of Quality Monitoring

As customer expectations and channels for outreach continue to evolve, the contact center is becoming more and more complex and critical. Contact center associates need to be able to quickly assess where customers are...


The COVID-19 pandemic's disruption has required businesses to adjust to managing a remote workforce while necessitating massive investments in cloud computing. A highly flexible workforce supported by adaptive infrastructure enables businesses to be more...
Safely Continuing Customer Contact

Safely Continuing Customer Contact

Customers require, and demand, excellent service, support, and sales assistance. But when disasters threaten and strike, they may not be able to receive them by contact centers in a timely manner, or not at...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in February

This month, our readers were quite interested to learn from Kathleen how to use Game Day strategies to evaluate their Contact Centers. Over in our commentary section, Brendan spoke of a big problem in...
Remote Work Corporate Culture

You Don’t Need To Be On-Premise For Strong Corporate Culture

One of the big myths about working remotely versus working remotely/on-premise, like in the contact center, is on corporate/company culture. That if you aren’t on-site and having someone physically looking over your shoulder that...
Work From Home vs. Hybrid?

Work From Home vs. Hybrid?

The pandemic period has proven something really important for contact centers, and that is that Work From Home on scale is a huge win. Separate from the impact that the health emergency itself had...
Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

Top 5 Posts in January

Our top 5 posts for January are set to start us off on the right foot for 2023. Our Advisory Board offers their insights on trends we should expect to see for our centers...

Is Your Center Really Resilient?

Formal Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) planning has always been a very important aspect of contact centers’ success. In the May 2020 issue of this esteemed publication, I showed how Covid and the...
Updating the Employee Playbook

Updating the Employee Playbook

I’m seeing contact center trends change, and how could they not? Coming out of the COVID-19 health emergency, consumer life is largely returning to more familiar patterns and expectations when it comes to...
Moving Forward: What Will 2023 Bring for Contact Centers?

Moving Forward: What Will 2023 Bring for Contact Centers?

The New Year’s message has as its core, promises of better things ahead. And yes, that did happen to some extent in 2022. The worst of the COVID-19 pandemic appears hopefully behind us. The economy—and...
Work from Home…a Privilege?

Work from Home…a Privilege?

Dear Contact Center Pipeline bloggers, I read this article this morning about Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks saying he is annoyed that workers aren’t in the office and is “ordering” employees to return to the...
Edging to the Brink of Change

Edging to the Brink of Change

The year is 2023, and the contact center industry is on the brink of change. With new technologies and approaches being developed daily, it’s hard to predict what the next year will bring. However,...
Managing the New Normal Workforces

Managing the New Normal Workforces

Providing excellent customer service, support, sales, and billing relies on having the right numbers of the skilled contact center agents at the right times. But ensuring that critical task is accomplished successfully appears to...
Transforming Talent Management at Home

Transforming Talent Management at Home

Organizations are now well in their third year of operation in the remote or at-home/work-from-home (WFH) contact center environment. And they are working to devise sustainable workforce management (WFM) strategies. In today’s challenging job...
Making Virtual Training Engaging

Making Virtual Training Engaging

Virtual training is here to stay! With many contact centers going hybrid or staying fully remote, how do you ensure training keeps people engaged, encourages interactivity, and effectively improves their skills? To find out,...
Opportunities Amidst the Challenges

Opportunities Amidst the Challenges

Reflecting over the last two plus years, as contact centers worked remotely, learning and development (L&D) teams had to pivot so quickly to ensure that new hires, existing team members, and leadership were provided...