Verint CX Automation
What Is The New Normal?

What Is The New Normal?

The COVID-19 pandemic that hit over three years ago disrupted most every facet of life: including how - and where - customers and employees engage with each other. For many businesses, including contact centers...

Collaboration: Distinguishing the Buzz from the Buzzword

For decades, people have used the term “collaboration” to mean many things—from sharing intelligence and resources with allied nations during wars and peacekeeping missions, to gathering small teams in collab office spaces for networking...

Pushing the Project Pause Button

I don’t know about you, but I love my pause button so much that I pay my cable company insane amounts of money monthly for the privilege of its use. I tried living without...

Creating a Collaborative Virtual Team

The percentage of people working from home has grown exponentially in recent years. New technologies make it so much easier for remote workers to perform their tasks. Creating an environment of collaboration can improve...
The Key to Great Customer Service

The Key to Great Customer Service: Collaboration

When it comes to creating an exceptional service culture, nothing is more important than a team’s ability to collaborate well. Both the agent and the customer experience will be exponentially better with 360 degrees...
The Power of Collaboration in the Contact Call Center

The Power of Collaboration

In our centers, vast amounts of useful content and ideas exist in the minds of our agents. Collaboration is, of course, hardly a new idea. Well-run organizations have always recognized the power of frontline...
Communicating-with-global-team Graphic

Tips for Communicating with a Global Team

Globalization has become a key growth driver for many organizations—and it’s a trend that will continue to increase. Research by The Hackett Group has found that companies are hoping to expand globalization of their...

Communicating Customer-Centric Change

Becoming a customer-centric organization typically requires a culture change that must be driven from the top. A collaborative approach that involves a close partnership with senior executives will ensure that customer-focused objectives have the...
Contact Center Pipeline Blog