Contact Center Training Survey Announcement

More organizations are focusing on employee learning and development as a critical component for building employee engagement and a successful culture. What does this trend mean for contact centers? Are contact centers seeing increased budgets and resources for training and development? How are centers leveraging development opportunities for various functional levels within the operation?

We need your insights to answer those questions. Help us to learn more about current trends in contact center training—who receives ongoing training, what types of training, how much training, how much is budgeted for it, and who is providing the training.

We’re conducting a Contact Center Training Survey, which should take less than 10 minutes to complete. The results will be reported in a Special Issue of Contact Center Pipeline in April 2015. Not a subscriber? Fill out the survey and you’ll receive a complimentary one-year subscription, which will ensure that you receive the survey results as well as access to Pipeline’s online archives and a full year’s worth of upcoming content!

We appreciate your participation!

Take the 2015 Contact Center Training Survey now.