Contact Center Pipeline Magazine: Inside Our May 2022 Issue


From the Heart

Know what I love best about the contact center industry? It is as relevant and as important today as ever. We are continuously challenged to find better processes to improve our customer experiences and employee successes.

We tackle many of these issues this month. We discuss a topic that is on everyone’s minds these days, Cybersecurity. With more WFH programs and sensitivity to our personal information, we discuss coaching security, protecting our data, making cybersecurity your priority, and compliance. Naturally, we always cover the “human” side of our centers. Perhaps it is here that we can find much reward as we discuss turnover and “good” turnover, engagement, and human experiences.

Enjoy the issue!

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Contact Center Pipeline May 2022

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Building a Human Experience in the Contact Center
By Bob Furniss, Slalom

Is Your Contact Center Thriving in the “New Normal”?
By Verint

From the Heart
By Brendan Read
Heart & Stroke’s Resuscitation Support Centre supports the instructors who teach others how to save lives.

Easy to Get is Hard to Get Rid Of … Ode to Leo J.
By Kathleen M. Peterson
Time to explore the possibility of “good turnover” in your center.

Helping the Centers that Help Others
By Brian Chidester
Nonprofit organizations’ contact centers have been struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, but there are strategies to assist in the new normal.

Sorry, No Magic Cure-All to Turnover
By Dave Hoekstra
A combination of work-life balance, learning opportunities, and supporting technologies may be the best Rx.

Coaching Security and Compliance
By Mark Pereira
Steps contact centers can take to protect customers through training the agents.

Protecting Your Most Sensitive Data
By Scott Bakken
Use automated conversational redaction of audio and transcripts for compliance and training.

Is Cybersecurity Your High Priority?
By Jacob Britt
Methods, tools, and common-sense practices to prevent data breaches through contact centers.

Maintaining Compliance With MFA
By Isabeau Boody
Biometrics are the best path forward for contact centers.

Managing the Human Element
By Keith Hutchison
Employees, like contact center agents, are central to both the risks and the solutions to preventing and responding to cyberattacks.

The Door to Personalized (and Secure) CXs
By Simon Marchand
AI-powered biometric authentication limits entry to fraudsters.

Understanding (And Complying With) Canada’s Laws
By Brendan Read
Here are the key rules and developments, along with insights to help with compliance.

Closing the Engagement Capacity Gap
By David Singer
New dynamics are challenging the ability to support winning customer experiences.

Please note: Contact Center Pipeline is a subscription magazine. To view all articles, please consider a subscription.

A heartfelt thanks to our authors this month for sharing their insights and wisdom: Scott Bakken, Isabeau Boody, Jacob Britt, Brian Chidester, Bob Furniss, Dave Hoekstra, Keith Hutchison, Simon Marchand, Mark Pereira, Kathleen Peterson and David Singer.

A special thank you to all our Sponsors: 2Ring, Accessibility, AirCall, Briggs Consulting International, Calabrio, Centrical, Cognigy, eGain, Geomant, Human Numbers, Khoros, LiveVox, LumenVox, NECCF, NICE CXone, PowerHouse, Procedure Flow, Scorebuddy, Slalom, Strategic Contact, ThomsonReuters, WFH Alliance and Verint.