Verint CX Automation

Goodbye 2020… Lessons Learned

I wish I could say, “Hate to see you go,” but that is definitely not the case. I believe that each of us has been bitterly disappointed by 2020. This year, holding the promise...
Lost in the Labyrinth: Contact Center Visionary or Radical?

Lost in the Labyrinth: Visionary or Radical?

Today’s contact centers must go deeper into the organizational labyrinth and transform to be considered a strategic asset. This transformation must be influenced by those responsible for running the operations as it is unlikely...
Complacency in the Contact Center Danger Zone

Complacency: Danger in the Comfort Zone

I happen to believe there is danger in the comfort zone… and that danger is complacency! In my dictionary, “complacency” is defined simply as “self-satisfaction.” The self-satisfied often reside in their very own “comfort zone,”...
Make a long story short

Change Management: Common Mistakes That Kill Initiatives Midstream

Contact center leaders with the ability to embrace change and align functions across the enterprise play a key role in driving customer-centric change. But, no matter how strong your change strategy seems to start...
Plan for Technology Change in the Call Center

Plan For Change

We love to conduct technology strategy projects and have shared how important we think those are for contact centers. We emphasize alignment of technology strategy with operations and business goals. But how do you...