Looking Back at 2019: A Letter from the Publisher

2019 Letter from the Publisher

As the year draws to a close, I extend wishes to you and your loved ones for the happiest of holidays and wish you each a very Happy New Year.

The end of 2019 marks the end of our 10th year in publication. This achievement is a credit to the Pipeline team who consistently make our publication the best in the industry. Year after year, Pipeline gets better because we are constantly challenging the possibilities of who we are and what we do.

Stopping to look back, it was a great year for Pipeline. I am extremely proud of the exceptional work that we accomplished. In 2019, most notably, we published more than 134 original articles, 150 blog posts, conducted 3 industry surveys and co-sponsored 4 Contact Center Ideas and Innovations Tour events.

I offer my sincere appreciation to our subscribers and for the ongoing efforts of the Pipeline staff, our contributors, partners and sponsors that allow us to make all of this possible. Thank you for your continued support of our work!

I wish you all the best for the holiday season and for 2020. I couldn’t be more excited about the plans we have for next year, and for the opportunity to continue serving the contact center industry.

As our way of saying thank-you for your support, we’re maintaining our annual holiday tradition of offering free 12-month digital subscriptions to Contact Center Pipeline magazine. Start your FREE subscription or renewal with this quick sign-up (no credit card required).

Thank you once again for an amazing year. Wishing you all the best in 2020!

Linda Harden
Linda Harden is President and Publisher of the monthly contact center management journal, Contact Center Pipeline. Our passion is to promote discussion, resources, events and services that impact the lives of our employees and customers. Each month, well-respected industry leaders, practitioners and consultants present their insights, strategies, best practices and lessons learned to help run an effective and efficient operation.