Top 5 Posts in April

Contact Center Pipeline Top 5 Blog Posts

April is automation month. While that’s not an actual observance, automation-related topics definitely piqued the interest of our readers this month. Our recent chatbot series took the top two spots with advice from industry experts on how to use chatbots to improve the customer experience and how to select a solution that is the best fit for your business goals. Also in the top five were how to provide the best tools to support agents in the omnichannel CX era; a Q&A with a leading executive offering lessons learned on digital transformation in the contact center; and a look at opportunities to automate manual processes in the contact center.

Chatbots in the Contact Center, Part 4: Improving CX & Aligning Solutions to Business Goals
In this final post of our chatbot series, we’ve asked the panel members to give us glimpse into the trends and developments in chatbot technology that will positively impact the customer experience. They also offer advice on how to ensure that your chatbot solution aligns with your CX and business objectives.

Chatbots in the Contact Center, Part 2: Internal Use and Adoption
Consumers are increasingly turning to virtual assistants to save time and effort in their personal lives. Similarly, chatbot technology offers considerable benefits internally to assist agents in delivering quick, accurate responses to customers, as well as streamlining followup tasks, communications, scheduling and HR requests.

It’s Time to Rethink Your Approach to Supporting Customer Service Agents
Building powerful and engaging customer experiences through the contact center requires several important ingredients—just-in-time and in-context analytics, artificial intelligence for self-service and after-contact work, seamless omnichannel options for customers, and fair, accurate scheduling. But one of the most critical components are the contact center agents themselves. Representatives live on the front lines and they are the personification of your brand—helping customers solve problems and identifying upsell opportunities.

How to Make Your Contact Center Digital Transformation a Success
I recently had a conversation with Richard Antosik, Vice President, Digital Operations (Client Services) at Laurentian Bank regarding their contact center’s recent digital transformation.
The following are the questions and answers regarding their lessons learned.

Automate Those Manual Processes
Way too many centers have way too many manual process steps, negatively impacting the customer experience and the cost of doing business. Long handle times are the most obvious impact, but it also hinders agent training time, first-contact resolution (FCR), handoffs and consultations. CSRs consistently bemoan the mundane tasks they have to execute and the difficulties created by clunky systems. And don’t get me started on risk management and compliance!