Video Chat for Customer Service in the Contact Center
Illustration by JARED FANNING

Turning on the camera in the contact center creates a substantial number of questions for management to consider. Yesterday’s post looked at some of the top issues that the adoption of video chat presents.

Here are a few more to think about:

  • Quality Monitoring. Do we really want to screen record if that screen has an image of the customer? What are the legal implications of that? What about storage requirements for video images?
  • Authentication. Here’s a thought: Could we get a picture of a customer to keep on file, and use that to authenticate when they video chat?
  • Work at Home. How comfortable are you with the idea of an at-home agent handling video chat? What are the technological concerns with streaming video images to and from a remote site?
  • Multimedia Queuing. Today, it is not asking too much for an agent to move between email and phone calls. What about moving between email and video chat?
  • TMI. OK, I don’t want to bring this up, but it needs to be said. If we can peek into our customers’ homes, how often will that give us way too much information (TMI)? Some people find good judgment to be in short supply when placed in front of a camera.