Verint CX Automation
Take Charge...

Take Charge…

Take Charge is an idiom meaning “to assume control or responsibility and dates back to the 1300’s.” (Christine Ammer, Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, Houghton Mifflin, p. 144.) Now more than ever, Contact Center leaders...
The One and Done Story

The One and Done Story

“One and Done” is one of many monikers used to identify the importance of meeting and completing the customer’s objective on the first contact. Agents might be resolving a chat, email, or phone inquiry;...
“Spare Me”…

“Spare Me”…

“Spare me” is an idiom defined as, “Don’t bother continuing to tell me that; I don’t believe or care about whatever you’re saying.” This definition runs on a loop for many Contact Center agents these...

Go Beyond Net Promoter Score to Measure Customer Experience Effectively

Forbes defines the Net Promoter Score (NPS) as an index used to determine how willing customers are to recommend a brand, product or service. Most brands rely on software developers, such as Zendesk, to...
Contact Center Metrics Roundup of 12 Top KPIs

Contact Center Metrics Roundup

The contact center’s data-intensive environment with its multitude of metrics can make it all too easy to fall into a “managing by metrics” mindset. But to quote sociologist William Bruce Cameron: “Not everything that...

Taking a Deep Dive into FCR

No customer ever picked up the phone, dialed up a company and said, “Boy, I hope that they’re not able to help me today, and I have to call back to get my issue...
Are Your Contact Center Metrics on Target

Are Your Contact Center Metrics on Target? Follow This Easy 3-Step Process to Find...

Contact center days are jam-packed with activity. It's easy to lose sight of the thread that should tether contact center performance metrics to what matters most to customers. Doing so can leave the contact...
Call Center Agent Performance Survey

Contact Center Pipeline Magazine: Inside Our September 2016 Issue

Vacations are dwindling down. Schools are ramping up. We’re planning our agent celebrations for Customer Service Week next month. It is a busy time of year. Our September issue focuses on many agent issues;...
Advocatus Diaboli and the Metric Mirage. Playing devils advocate in the contact center with analytics

Advocatus Diaboli and the Metric Mirage

Devil’s advocate, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, it means: “One who argues against a cause or position either for the sake of argument or to help determine its validity.” The term...
What, if any, value are contact centers getting from Net Promoter Score, NPS.

To NPS or Not NPS

If, by chance, you are unfamiliar with the phrase Net Promoter Score (NPS), it is a way of scoring customer loyalty based on the customer’s zero-to-10 rating on the question: “How likely is it...
Contact Center Leaders Creating Actionable Knowledge

Creating Actionable Knowledge

The amount of information that contact center leaders have access to is phenomenal. We live with it every day, so we tend to take it for granted. Yet the data right in front of...
Key Metrics to Include in Your Call Center Omnichannel Strategy

Key Metrics to Include in Your Omnichannel Strategy

Our omnichannel series has offered key insights from industry experts on the top challenges that contact centers face when transitioning their strategy from multichannel to omnichannel, the important first steps to take on your...
Rethinking Contact Center Metrics

Rethinking Contact Center Metrics: The Problem with Averages

While the contact center environment has evolved a great deal over the past decades, some metrics have not. Many centers focus on metrics that have been in place for years without considering whether they...
who cares about service-metrics

Who Really Cares About Service Metrics Anyway?

I want to talk a little about why service metrics (e.g., Service Level, ASA, Abandon Rate or Max Delay) are so important and why everyone in your center needs to really get this stuff....
Measuring FCR

Measuring FCR: Timing Affects Feedback Validity

Post-transaction surveys provide a customer-centric view of when first-contact resolution (FCR) has been achieved. But even with customer surveys, the most common methods often result in companies reporting inflated FCR rates—10% higher, on average,...
Underutilized Metrics

Underutilized Metrics

We have a great many data points at our disposal in contact centers. The best ones, though, are not necessarily those that are the most convenient or the most obvious. The measure of a...
First Contact Resolution

Finding Your FCR Opportunities

Any contact received from a customer comes with a set of expectations, and one of those is that the issue will be completely resolved by the time the contact ends. First-contact resolution (FCR) is...
Contact Center Pipeline Blog